TR221AVS001 - Altınkum Reedbed


Altınkum Reedbed is located on Avşa Island, 3 km southeast of the centre, at Marmara Adalar Municipality. It is the largest of the two wetlands of the island, covering 16.45 ha. It is a coastal wetland, and main water sources are precipitation and underground water. On the surface it is disconnected from the sea by the car roads and settlements and approximately %50 of the original landform was degraded and transformed. Although it is defined as a ‘lake’ in the spatial plans prepared by the municipality, the wetland is threatened with expanding road constructions, and pollution resulting from solid waste dumping and debris. It was observed that the water is discharged to the sea by pipelines, probably for prevention of flood for the settlements. The dominant vegetation is Cypeus sp. and dominant habitat type is beds of large sedges (72B0), whereas Reed thickets (72A0) covers a small part. The wetland is also an important breeding and feeding site with bird species considering the limitation of water sources on the island.

Wetland data

Basic information
Wetland location: Marine/Coastal
Wetland type: Natural
Wetland area: 16.4 Ha
Hydrological interaction: -  
Water salinity: Brackish (5.0-18.0 g/l)
Open water area (%): 26 - 50
Hydroperiod: Permanent
Geographic information
Province: Balikesir
Municipality: Marmara Adalar
Island: Avsa
Longitude: 27.526545 East
Latitude: 40.493339 North
Wetland condition
Wetland status (MEDWET): 3 - Original habitats/landform partially modified (10-50% untouched)
Ramsar wetland type
Type Coverage (%)
Ts -- Seasonal/intermittent freshwater marshes/pools on inorganic soils; includes sloughs, potholes, seasonally flooded meadows, sedge marshes 51 - 75
E -- Sand, shingle or pebble shores; includes sand bars, spits and sandy islets; includes dune systems and humid dune slacks 5 - 25
Property status
Government - Municipal / Private
Activities on wetland
Activity Intensity
401 = continuous urbanisation Medium
440 = Storage of materials High
501 = paths tracks cycling tracks Medium
502 = roads motorways Low
530 = Improved access to site Low
701 = water pollution Low
702 = air pollution Low
703 = soil pollution High
800 = Landfill land reclamation and drying out general
810 = Drainage Low
811 = management of aquatic/vegetation for drainage Low
860 = Dumping depositing of dredged deposits Low
Activities on catchment area
Activity Intensity
440 = Storage of materials Medium
501 = paths tracks cycling tracks Low
502 = roads motorways Medium
530 = Improved access to site Medium
700 = Pollution Medium
800 = Landfill land reclamation and drying out general Low
853 = management of water levels Low
Impact Intensity
AS- = Loss of scenic value Medium
HF- = Habitat fragmentation High
HL- = Habitat loss Medium
LS- = Decrease in water supply Low
LW- = Decrease in wilderness/wildlife values Low
VC- = Change in vegetative species composition Low
WG- = Drainage/Reduction of water level Low
WGT = Lowering of water table High
Habitat types
Type Coverage (%)
72A0 Reed thickets 5 - 25
72B0 Beds of large sedges 76 - 95
Vegetation types
Type Coverage (%)
Floating 26 - 50
Emergent > 95
Species Presence status References
Carex sp.
Cyperus sp.
Juncus acutus
Juncus maritimus
Juncus subulatus
Lemna sp.
Phragmites communis
Typha sp.


Number of individuals


Streptopelia decaocto 1-10 Possible nesting
Gallinula chloropus 1-10 Possible nesting
Acrocephalus scirpaceus 1-10 Possible nesting
Corvus monedula 10-100 Possible nesting
Delichon urbicum 1-10 Possible nesting
Hirundo rustica 1-10 Possible nesting
Parus major 1-10 Possible nesting
Passer domesticus 1-10 Possible nesting
Phylloscopus collybita 1-10 Possible nesting
Sylvia communis 1-10 Possible nesting


Presence status in wetland

