TR221MAR004 - Marmara Irrigation Pond 3


Wetland data

Basic information
Wetland location: Inland
Wetland type: Artificial
Wetland area: 0.1 Ha
Hydrological interaction: -  
Water salinity: Fresh (< 0.5 g/l)
Type of fresh water input: Other
Surface water runoff Outflow controlled by pipeline
Open water area (%): > 95
Hydroperiod: Permanent
Geographic information
Province: Balikesir
Municipality: Marmara Adalar
Island: Marmara
Longitude: 27.576148 East
Latitude: 40.604717 North
Biological significance
Biological significance: Low
Ramsar wetland type
Type Coverage (%)
2 -- Ponds; includes farm ponds, stock ponds, small tanks; (generally below 8 ha) > 95
Property status
Habitat types
Type Coverage (%)
5210 Arborescent matorral with Juniperus spp. < 5
Vegetation types
Type Coverage (%)
Shrubby / Arborescent < 5
Other < 5
Species Presence status References
Crataegus monogyna Present
Ononis spinosa Present
